
5 Food Businesses were served with Closure Orders in June, for breach of food safety legislation.

Of the 5, 4 businesses were in Dublin, with the other in Co. Laois.

The reasons given were all too familiar. They include; a lack of pest control systems where rodent activity was evident, not having a food safety management system in place, a lack of understanding in relation to food safety including preventing contamination, non-wearing of protective clothing, lack of allergen and traceability information, storing of personal belonging such as a vape kit, mobile phones, and car keys in food areas, and lack of hand washing facilities for staff.

If you receive an inspection and any of the above issues are noted, you will likely be closed by the inspector immediately, due to a serious risk to public health.

If you would like any information or help to become food safety compliant, please get in touch today.

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