PUP Scheme will end soon!
PUP- The scheme that kept on giving, right through the pandemic, will end really soon!!!
The PUP scheme was introduced during the first grip of the Coronavirus on Ireland, as part of the lockdown measures announced by the government. It was to last for 6 weeks.
Here we are, 2 years later, and as the country finally inches closer and closer to a normal functioning society, with very few restrictions left in place, the PUP scheme is about to begin its final wind-down.
Here are the key dates you need to know:
Jan 22nd- The PUP scheme will close to new applicants.
Mar 8th- Anyone on €250 per week will see their payments reduced to €208
Apr 5th- Everyone in receipt of the €208 PUP payment will begin receiving letters, transitioning them to the appropriate Job Seekers, etc. depending on their circumstances.
So what next for those who are affected?
Contact Us to discuss what options will be available to you, including grants, schemes & allowances you may qualify for to keep you on your feet.
You can see our video on this subject on our YouTube Channel HERE
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