
Do you own a business? Do you have a Health and Safety Statement?

Do you know that the law states that you must have a Health and Safety Statement in your business, and carry out a full Risk Assessment within your business, even if you are self-employed!

The responsibility falls upon the employer to ensure their own health and safety and that of others, either employees or customers. Unlike some other prosecutions, a business may face, in the event of an injury or death in the workplace, the owner and management can be criminally prosecuted, meaning they could face jail time.

Regardless of whether you are a construction firm, retailer, hairdresser, delivery driver, boutique owner, or any other industry or profession, you must identify and document all risks in the workplace, and implement controls to protect health, safety, and welfare of everyone.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you to carry out a risk assessment and develop a Health and Safety Statement for your business.

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